The complete package for Anaerobic Digestion operators to Agricultural Land

Restoration of a site to a natural landscape and habitat

Solutions for Industry & Farmers

The complete package for Anaerobic Digestion operators to Agricultural Land
About Organics
We cover the whole process
With over 30 years experience of working, both within the recycling industry and also alongside the UK agricultural sector, White Land Solutions Ltd are able to identify suitable outlets in many different areas for organic materials that arise from the recycling of various suitable waste streams.

About Digestate
The anaerobic digestion process
Digestate, in the solid and liquid form, is by-product of the anaerobic digestion process. The organic by product is rich in many Nutrients and micro nutrients (including Nitrogen, Potash, Phosphate) and is used as a biofertiliser. This reduces the need for acquiring artificial based alternatives.
About Land Restoration
Returning the land in a given area to some degree of it's former state
Land Restoration is the process of returning the land in a given area to some degree of its former state, after some process has resulted in its damage. The aim of the restoration of an area is to enable the soil to support growth of natural vegetation which will prevent erosion and further increase the site’s bio-diversity. The soil at potential restoration sites characteristically have poor physical structure, poor water-holding capacity and are conceivably contaminated with a diverse range of potentially toxic elements.

About Compost
Compost for use in Agriculture & Horticulture
White Land Solutions offer the supply & spreading of PAS100 Compost & non certified Compost for use in Agriculture & Horticulture. The compost derives from the processing of green waste & food waste. The compost benefits with a slow release of the major nutrients required to maximise yields of crops or fruit. Compost contains slow release of major nutrients including Nitrogen, Phosphate and Sulphur. It contains readily available Potash and smaller but useful amounts of Magnesium, Calcium.